Our Mission
Seedlings need water and sun to grow, and someone to care for them.
At Farmworkers Childrens Center Inc., the children are like those seedlings. Our Mission is to offer a safe place for children after school while their parents are working the fields. We give children the chance to excel in life through academic achievement. It is our belief that all children have the potential to learn and to follow their dreams. It is our mission to give children the opportunity to learn and grow by providing homework help enhancement, tutoring, enrichment programs and summer camp.
COVID Protocols: During these uncertain times, we continue to mask indoors while the children
and tutors/teachers are together.
Offering the help
they need
Our tutors work with the children to ensure they succeed in school.
Study Den
A quiet place to work
Knowing there is a place to go to after school, while the parents are still in the fields, creates a sense of balance and comfort.
Where there's work
there's play!
Special programs bring the children together in fun and educational ways.